Friday, 30 September 2011

LOVE Actually IS…

photo credits: DeviantArt

What is Love?
probably, it is the most common question I often heard being asked. What is Love? What is it really?

I wanted to get its definition from various sources, but first lemme give you what I thought about love.

When you ask a child, what is love; they could give you innocent answersinnocent but humbling answers. But when I was a child, I thought love is something you get from family. Simple stuffs like when my papa would serve me my food on mealtimes or bring us pasalubong when he arrives home, or when mama would wake me up in the morning and accompany me at school, or when my lola would cook a delicious meal for us, or when my aunt would clean us up in the afternoon after an entire days playits about caring. When I was a child, when people care for each other, I believe they love each other.

When I was in high schooladolescent years, I believed that love is when you found someone and have special, if not intimate, relationship with them. Even as a freshman, whenever I see those couples in the higher years holding hands while walking, talking, sitting, eatingI believe they are together because there is love. The sense of belongingnessthe concept of love I learned to believe from those couples lingering in our campus. That sense that somehow your hands fit into someone elses and they kinda felt as onethat somehow, you belong in someone elses lifeand that felt special in a way.

When I met my girlfriends in high school, a newand betterconcept of love was build: Friendship. The joy and value of camaraderie with genuine laughter, honesty and sincerity in a crowd of once been called strangers, has given me a new definition of love. That love is something that is established through timeit cannot be found overnight. It is something that can be polished through the test of time. Its when people stick with each other through thick and thin, and accepts you for who you are­and most importantlyfor whom youre not.

I was also in high school when I met my God. I mean, Ive known Him ever since I was a child, for I go to church on Sundays with my family. But this time, Ive known Him much deeper. Its like the first time you were introduced to someone you get to know his name, but then as days go by you get to know the person behind that namesomething like that. The Love of Godis my best definition of love, because God Himself is Loveand my Friendship with Him is the best thing I ever got from high school. More than the learning, fun, memories, and more friendships, its being friends with God is the best achievement I have in my adolescent years, and proud to say that its something thats gonna last beyond this lifetimethe Love of God: its for eternity, its boundless, selfless, unconditional, most pure, most precious.

When I was a sophomore at college, our speech professor asked us to describe the color red to a congenitally blind person. Usually, the color red symbolizes love, but I didnt include it in my definition of the color red. For me, red is a color of passion, of strength, bravery, and warmth. Love, on the other hand, is the color of whiteof purity, gentleness, and fidelity.

Whenever I watch movies, I get to learn more definitions of love. That love is something we go searching for. Its like a quest for some people. Like a chase in search for their happinessyes, thats it: love for most, if not all people equates to happiness. The thing is, everyone believe that it can only be found on someone else, or something else. Love is lost for some people, and they go for a pursuitLove: its like a treasure crest in the middle of the cosmic sea: it is difficult to be found, but sure is worth the quest in the end. And sometimes, it could surprise us when we found out that the one thing weve been searching for is actually right there inside us.

Love is companionship. Whenever I see old-aged couple in the church, or in the restaurants, or simply along the streets walking side by side and sometimes holding each others handsit melts my heart. They are a testament that love could endure the test of time. My parents once said that their gray hair represents all the years they have lived their livesall the struggles, perseverance, hardships, and most importantly their achievementsthats why they wouldnt want it dyedbecause it symbolizes a fully-lived life. And I believe thats true. Over the years a lot of things happena lot of thing changesbut love, though, is something that endures all things even if all the others may fail. And I always pray that one day, when all my parents hair have turned gray, I would still see them sitting side by side watching the evening news and hugging each other to sleep. It always put anyones heart at ease when they know that someone is right there beside them with each passing daya companion.

As a nurse, I believed that love could be given to strangers as well. Its when you hold their hand and tell them (and believe in yourself) that its going to be alrightthat whatever pain they may be feeling will eventually go away. Its when you tell them to eat healthy so they could be home with their family and have a meal with them. Its when you check on them every now and then to make sure theyre doing well. You know you have given love when your patient would sincerely smile at you and say thank you after your shift. Heartfelt gratitude is something you cant fake, and its something you couldnt easily give either. When you love your work, you tend to enjoy it and be better with itand most importantly, people gets to appreciate it as well. And when people appreciate it, they will remember you, and things like thatsimple thingsthat could actually make you valuable, even with the small piece of heaven given to you. Love is something that isnt easy to giveespecially to people you barely knowsbut as they say, when your glass is full it overflows.

Love is a sacrifice. We often underestimate or overestimate the extent of what we can do in the name of love. Loves prowess pushes us to go beyond our own limits, and it often takes courage to conquer our own limitations. It takes courage to sacrifice what is most precious to us for loves sake. It takes courage to love.

Love is a miracle. Love is faith. It can make you a better personit allows you to feel like a better person. It takes a miracle to change a personand love is a miracle and by loves faith it allows miracles to work in us. Some things we dont expect to feel, to do, to happen in our life. When you love, it changes your life.

Love actually is

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!

This is like one  of the sweetest proposals I've ever seen!! The guy's really sweet and filthy rich as well--at least that I'm guessing 'coz he can afford a movie theater for his proposal... oh boy, this girl got really lucky...the guy must've been really in love...

Love. Love. Love.

The best love story there is, is always your own...the Best Picture of your life...definitely!! So play your role wisely, and make an eternity of happy endings :))

**repost from:

Wag Na

This is such a nice way of coping up with heart breaks...having wonderful friends with "Band Aids" to aid your wounds. The pain may not totally get away, but it'll make things bearable 'coz you know you're not alone. Sometimes, all we need is someone to tell us that someday, "It's gonna be okay". When people stays with us through hardships, those were the best kinds of people we could have. And they're more worthy of our time, love, and affection. Genuine friends, through thick and thin--are like pearls...rare and not easy to find...and really precious these days.

Maswerte ang mga taong may mga kaibigan na tulad nito...

Song is called "Wag Na" by OPM artist Yeng Constantino :))

Monday, 19 September 2011


September 19, 2011; 12:03 am

In the first minutes of September 19, my 21st birthday, I decided to watch Eat Pray Love. In the first couple of minutes of the film, I felt like being in the same ground as Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts)—except not yet married of course; wanna travel the world yes, and most importantly being in that position wherein you barely know what to do in your life. For the first time, I actually wish for a multiple-choice-type of decision making, wherein you just got to choose which path you prefer from a to c, then just deal with the consequences later than being stuck with this kind of situation—no choices whatsoever. So much for 21 years: 16 of it spent in school, 2 years learning to walk, 3 to speak 300 words, then BUMMER!! Happy Birthday to me!!!

Life is full of choices, of decisions to make—that, I learned and still learning every day.  The difficult part though is—choosing. But today, I decide to be happy. I decide to smile. I decide to pray…to just lift it up to Him and surrender. The way I did in those 3 months before taking the board exam. I pray, “Lord, if it is your will, may your will be done”. Now, I’d still utter the same words before Him, “Lord whatever you decide my life would be, unto your hands I entrust my spirit. I know you know best, and I’ll try to do better.” When I wake up the following morning, I’ll smile and say “21 years have passed, another 21 years or so in the making…and it’s gonna be a blast.”—that is a decision I’d be making today. And tomorrow is the first day to start living with that decision.

Life is not a multiple choice type, but an essay. Each day you try to find the words to describe what your day has been…and after some time, when we go back and read those words again, there you’ll see how you were able to spend your life. Is it memorable? Is it happy? Are you more happy than sad? Were you hurt? How many times you’ve cried? How many scars have faded in the view? Were you able to stand after a fall? Were you able to learn through it all? Life isn’t simple—it’s just life. When I read those words I’ve written in the past, I’d seen that my life has been pretty simple; not complicated, not vague, just simple…I don’t wanna call it boring—just maybe, undemanding. But for the next jolt it’s not gonna be easy and I’ve got to take it seriously…because if I don’t, I might just end up clicking the ‘refresh’ button of my life and start over again—just like Liz Gilbert…but that’s her…and it’s not gonna be me. 21 years from now, when I look back, I wanted to tell myself “Oh yeah, that has been my life! Crazy and fulfilled life.” –and not a bitchy, crappy life.

Julia Roberts as Liz Gilbert (Eat Pray Love)
If there is anything I learned from Liz Gilbert, it is to not be afraid of life…of choices we make…and the consequences it might intake… we all travel along individual paths, and we sometimes encounter people along the way—people we meet become our teachers. That’s how I learn. I don’t experience everything in life there is, but through these people I came across with…I learned.

Life…a free-falling ride…just go with it :))
—3:37 am

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Favorite Movie
photo credits:


1.       I hate it that those movies make us look like a psycho-freak. One moment they make us laugh, then the next thing you know, you’re sniffing and trying to conceal your tears so that your friends (or your mom or sister or brother) won’t make fun of you.

2.       I hate it that those movies makes me a couch-potato, and never accomplishes anything for the day…because I would rather listen to Adam Sandler sing than to hear my mom bellow for me to wash the dishes.

3.       I hate it that I gain weight just by having a 2-day movie marathon. Like, I consume packs of junk foods for a 16-hour movie. And for the record, I really don’t get the chance to burn those calories for just sitting around while making a list of movies-to-watch-next.

4.       I hate it that it keeps me awake at night (and on the wee hours of the day). How could you possibly sleep when you just saw Ashton Kutcher or Ben Affleck strip?! They would haunt you in your dreams, you know!

5.       I hate it that it makes me greedy. I wanna have my own friggin’ cars like those that O’Connor and Toretto drives—or just my own Paul-Walker-driver would be fine.

6.       It makes me dim-witted (a.k.a. slow) sometimes. Take for example the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I saw it and I know that it’s really a nice movie, but I was just dumbfounded by the fact that I never really understood why the guy has to forget his memories about his girlfriend. I guess I have to see it the second time because I really have to justify what I told my friend when she asked me if it’s really a good movie—I told her “yeah, it’s really beautiful and it made me cry”—I felt stupid for saying that because I don’t even know why I said that…plus I don’t even remember why even I cried when I saw that film.

7.       I hate it that it makes me forget my age sometimes. Because I’d rather watch Ice Age and Alvin and the Chipmunks than Final Destination and Saw (even though I used to love FD 1-4). Seriously, my 9-year old brother bought a DVD of Final Destination 1-5 while I was waiting for Kung Fu Panda 1&2 to be downloaded…and when I told him the list of animated movies I have, he just shrugged me off!!!

8.       I hate it that it makes me believe in Prince Charming—like I imagined my sister kissing that frog which keeps on coming back near our kitchen door and transform him into a gorgeous prince and live happily-ever-after (of course I would like my sister to go first in case that frog would turn into an ogre instead of a prince…like a trial-and-error thing).

9.       I hate it that it made me jealous. Like Jennifer Garner marrying Ben Affleck, or Angelina Jolie becoming Mrs. Pitt (though I would prefer a better last name than that) or Vanessa Hudgens kissing Alex Pettyfer, or Cameron Diaz kissing Jude Law, or Drew Barrymore kissing Hugh Grant, or Ben Chaplin kissing Ben Barnes (—that was pretty disgusting by the way, that I have to close my eyes because I was so hurt how my Prince Caspian had to kiss Basil Hallward for a freakin’ narcissistic Dorian Gray who prefers to stay young! *awful*)

10.   I hate it that despite all those things, I still love to watch movies because it makes me and my friends get together and bond…it’s one thing my father and I had in common…it’s makes me forget my frustrations and fears even for a moment…it makes me laugh when I’m sad and keeps me company when I’m alone…and most of all, those movies helped me get back to writing—like what I did just now!

There’s more actually, but it says only 10…besides, I’d hate to change the title in (More than 10) Things I Hate About Movies.

So, what do you hate about movies?


photo credits:

Your Love Story

There are different ways to portray a love-so-strong-it-could-withstand-the-storm sort-of type of stories. You could use the element of time to prove your point that love can stand the test of time, or distance maybe for which makes the heart grow fonder…or the royalties—prince and princesses falling in love with commoners. You could also use ghosts which haunts their loved ones due to their unfinished business and it leaves you guessing if that ghost would invade another human body so that they could still be together (or it was just me who guessed that way), or if the other love one would just die so that they could be together in heaven. Angels have also come down from heaven to fall in love. Speaking of mystical creatures, there are vampires falling in love with human, human falling in love with werewolves, or werewolves falling in love with vampires…and vice versa—which goes to say that love has no boundaries…anyone could love anyone…that love could break the rules—even the rules of the world we’re not even sure exists—like the Neverland, maybe. Furthermore, love stories could already exist or be based in the typical (sometimes monotonous, for some boring) day-to-day and realistic routines in life. Take these for example:
ü  Best friends end up falling for each other. Like, you end up falling in love with your best friend and your best friend falls for someone else, but in the end of the story you still end up with each other. Who the hell knows how that turned out to be?!—well, as you may know, there are ways: one, the best friend whom you fall in love with, who you thought has fallen for someone else, is actually in love with you…you’re just too dumb to ever notice; two, that best friend of yours realizes that you’re the one all along, and that best friend of yours is just kinda stupid for not knowing early on; three, your best friend just made you thought that you’re better off as friends but is actually secretly in love with you, and there goes the confessions of your secret love; (and maybe there’s a whole lot more to that type of story)
ü  Best friend falls for their best friend and ends up being just the best friend but the bestest-best-friend of the whole damn world!
(In my opinion, the best-friend-thing-sort-of excuse is really absurd…if your best friend is from the opposite sex, there is always the danger of one falling for the other…only one of the two things will happen: it would either ruin your friendship or you would eventually end up with each other…but truth is, it actually happens in real life and not just in movies!)
ü  A stranger meets a stranger. (I guess that’s also a typical—and generally the most popular—start for any love stories in movies…aside, of course if you’re best friends or simply friends, maybe). Either, a dog-and-cat type of a meeting where one is pissed with the other, but as the saying goes: the more you hate the more you love; or, when the two met, flirts with each other early on—then of course, falls in love in the end.
ü  Typical high school flicks: popular kid falls in love with the unpopular, like a geek/nerd/weird (or with a complete psycho) kid in school. Then the other kid becomes popular as well, then goodbye to the old-lonesome life (—seriously, that provides a better catch than popular kid succumbs to geeky/nerdy/weirdo-type of life).
ü  Rebellious kid softens as he/she falls in love with the kinder and decent one and eventually changes for the better. (As love becomes a sort of excuse for being a better person. So, if one isn’t in love, one isn’t better??)
ü  Broken-hearted, then finds somebody to heal their broken heart. (How to become broken-hearted: One, your best friend falls in love with your girlfriend/boyfriend then leaves you; two, your boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on you by snogging/sleeping with someone else; three, you just got played on by jocks/jerks/total assholes; four, bf/gf simply falls out of love or just got tired (or bored) with your relationship; fifth, bf/gf was never really in love with you…he/she just thought they are. But don’t worry because falling in love again is the best remedy for a broken heart—just don’t go breakin’ it over and over again)
ü  Never really had a good relationship so far…goes searching for love…then finds out that the one they’ve been searching for was right there beside them all along.
ü  Finds love in the most strangest of places with the most unlikely person. (In a story where soul-mates, Destiny, and serendipity exists)
There’s more to that list…indeed because those stories were based in real life. We also have our own love stories to tell. Probably, that’s the great thing in movies: it becomes a reflection of our lives. Sometimes we’re not even aware of it—that love is right there with us that goes unnoticed—then there comes this movie on which we can relate on…which we can say to ourselves “I know how that feels” because it’s there…because it’s true. That love exists—it exists in all spectrums of life, in both sides of the coin, in the corners of our world (I don’t care if the world is round!), night and day, rain or shine, in war or in peace, good or bad, heaven and hell, sun and moon—it’s everywhere! And there are different ways to tell great stories of love. Maybe that’s why we never run out of movies. There is always this movie which will bring us tears, joy, inspiration, and sometimes strength to pursue that love. And when watching movies, it makes us believe that true love exists…and sometimes, it also tells us that not all great love stories ends in a happy note…that not great endings has to start with a great beginning…or that not all stories even begins—some ends right before it starts. Sometimes it teaches us valuable lessons on love—and life in general. Love—can make or break a life, heal or mend the broken, become one’s strength or weakness…and that love is sometimes, all a person has.

Everyone is a story-teller…everyone has a story to tell.

So, what’s your love story


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The Great Finales

I’ve seen a load of movies already—of different kinds, but more of the love stories type. As I make a new list of to-watch-for-movies, I realize that I grew tired of watching predictable ones. There are only two kinds of movies—the one who’ll end with the happily-ever-after part, just like the fairytales, and the other one which ends in tragedy. The former makes you believe in love and its power to defile hardships and impediments, while the latter usually leaves an impression that some things are simply not meant to be. Oh well, as a movie-addict myself, I love great stories and happy endings…but it’s usually those stories which leaves you hanging, depressed, mad, and really sad are the ones which would stick in your memory and the one that usually stands out. Take for example my top 3 favorite movies of all time: A Walk to Remember tops my list, followed by the ever famous Titanic, and then the movie If Only. If there’s one thing in common among them, it’s the fact that these movies really made me cry—not just sob, but really cry!—and the endings of these movies have haunted me for quite some time thinking, “why couldn’t they just be together?!” well, talk about hopeless romantic thinking that all great love stories always end up just like the fairytales. Of course I grew up, and now it’s different—from watching those tragic movies, I’ve learned something about love: I’ve learned that the depth of a great love cannot be measured by how well it ended—but on how the great love story’s intricate parts were weaved into beautiful and magnificent masterpiece which we would love and cherish for its beauty as a whole. It’s not about the spectacular beginning or the great finale of a love story that truly matters, but on the breathtaking and unforgettable plot of the story itself. It’s not about someone’s death in the end, but on how love actually made them alive.

How I turn a tragic ending into an unforgettable happy ending: treasure the moments of the story which made me smile…made me believe in true love, in the beauty of life, and the story of forever.